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Our equipment
Take a look below at our range of equipment and size specifications
We are proud to offer a range of equipment and solutions that are acceptable for carriage on all our aircrafts..
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Loose loading shipments

Max gross weight 1587 kgs
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Max gross weight
5103 kgs (A330/A340)
5035 kgs (B747/B777)
5034 kgs (B787)

Max gross weight
3175 kgs (A330/A340/B787)
3174 kgs (B747/B777)
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Max gross weight 4626 kgs**

Max gross weight 4626 kgs**
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Max gross weight
3174 kgs (A330/A340/B747/B777)
3175 kgs (B787)

Max gross weight
5928 kgs (A330/A340/B747/B777)**
5034 kgs (B787)
* Secure/hanging garment AKEs are available for valuable and hanging garment shipments. Limited stock available.
** Weight can be increased upon special request, however the number of heavier units is restricted due to aircraft limitations.
All measurements are internal dimensions.
We are approved to carry all CSafe and Envirotainer units. Whilst we do not hold a stock of the containers we can lease them on request, or you can source them yourselves directly from the suppliers.
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ULD information and downloads
LHR ULD service criteria
Find out all you need to know about the ULD service criteria and limitiations for London Heathrow (LHR) by downloading our guide

All (excl. LHR) ULD service criteria
Find out all you need to know about the ULD service cvailability and limitiations for everywhere, excluding London Heathrow (LHR) by downloading our guide

ULD release form
Download the ULD release form. Email completed forms to:

Need to know information
Return of a Virgin owned ULD, 1 of 4
Liability for loss or damage, 2 of 4
Applicable free time for use of Virgin ULDs, 3 of 4
Demurrage for exceeding allowable free time, 4 of 4
All London Heathrow collections need to be requested in advance from our ULD control department. Collection outside of these hours can be made by special arrangement. At all other stations collections should be arranged locally.
For further information please contact our ULD control department via email at
For release of a ULD, please download the form below and email it to